Letting go is Identity (Art of Letting Go)

Source: Pinterest

Letting go has never been easy, with regards to so many aspects to name. Sometimes, not being aware and without us knowing that it becomes our identity it became part of us; a cycle, season, forgiveness, a lifestyle, sacrifice, an effective pain reliever and a perfect combination with time just like how perfect to eat a bread with coffee in the morning. It also teaches us to let things slip away with our bare hands, trusting that it's the right thing to do and that it will not encompass (hold within) our mind with the things and makes us a prisoner.

As the cycle of continuing to live, incorporate the feeling of judgement and expectation of people. Sometimes a person dwells more on the idea of others; how they did things, what it feels like for her, how they manage their relationships and so on. This becomes a hard concept or truth for others to let go and let simply live their life that's up to them, with constant frustration to live in extravagant life or to please people. Everyone will never ever find peace if not choosing to let go, to forgive themselves that one does not have to be perfect or find answers for all.

The feelings that put us on a pedestal (means that someone is perfect with no faults) and expecting that letting go is unnecessary. Is a thought that will never ever have to consider. In our everyday life unconsciously, as we go through and just imagine; hanging out with your so called people but is toxic to you, holding to broken and left promises, on-going unrequited love, your constant self doubt and you still think that it is all right and have no time to let go is inappropriate. Because it will just worsen the scars or damage, in no time it can eats you up alive.

After all, the letting go stage is the hardest part. The pain, a battle but it will be the bravest thing to do. Sometimes, being brave is just enough to overcome what weighs us down. Including our acceptance that we're all humans and things around us are bound to change and simply to let go is our choice, our armor willingly to know that we don't own anything in here.

As we consider the fact that letting go is part of us. Continuously hoping and making ourselves surrounded with good intentions in our life will become an ultimate asset. The things that hold us will eventually pop like bubbles, because for some reason holding on will just worsen the pain and a distraction. To let go is to find peace, to live, to know the best, to hope and to know that there will always be in store for each one of us and knowing that God always reserves the best. Just like the seasons, there will always be a time to come that replaces the things that are no longer in our hands.


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